その数々の名作の中から、1993年に誕生したスニーカー「EQT RUNNING SUPPORT 93」のアッパーに、現在の最新技術を駆使し開発された「BOOST FORM(ブーストフォーム)」を融合した、新旧ハイブリットモデルが今回の「EQT SUPPORT 93/16」です。

オリジナルの「EQT RUNNING SUPPORT 93」を彷彿させるカラーリング。

ミッドソールは、高いクッション性と強烈な反発性が特徴の「BOOST FORM(ブーストフォーム)」に、ねじれ抑止を兼ねたモーションコントロールが特徴の「TORSION SYSTEM(トルションシステム)」を搭載。

Kerri Miller (金曜日, 13 11月 2020 16:49)
It looks like you've misspelled the word "colset" on your website. I thought you would like to know :). Silly mistakes can ruin your site's credibility. I've used a tool called SpellScan.com in the past to keep mistakes off of my website.
Randy Shields (木曜日, 15 4月 2021 11:53)
It looks like you've misspelled the word "colset" on your website. I thought you would like to know :). Silly mistakes can ruin your site's credibility. I've used a tool called SpellScan.com in the past to keep mistakes off of my website.
Kelly Davis (金曜日, 03 9月 2021 09:39)
I think you misspelled the word "colset" on your website. If you want to keep errors off of your site we've successfully used a tool like SpellPros.com in the past for our websites. A nice customer pointed out our mistakes so I'm just paying it forward :).
Kelly Davis (木曜日, 02 12月 2021 07:25)
In case you didn't realize, the word "colset" on your site is spelled incorrectly. I had similar issues on my website which hurt my credibility until someone pointed it out and I discovered some of the services like SpellHelper.com or SpellingCheck.com which help with these type of issues.
Rebecca Harris (金曜日, 18 2月 2022 04:05)
Hi There,
Just a heads-up that I believe the word "colset" is spelled wrong on your website. I had a couple of errors on my site before I started using a service to monitor for them. There are a few sites that do this but we like SpellingReport.com and ErrorSearch.com.